In order to create a new SQL Server database with one script, just follow this article and especially the code snippet. To create a Microsoft database with a Transact-SQL script, use the CREATE DATABASE function as explained in this post. First, a database represents the main part of a Relational Database Management System. An RDBMS contains and runs databases. A database contains SQL objects and mainly tables.
Create a SQL Server database with a T-SQL script in SSMS
This simple sample script allows to create a database with two SQL commands. Please make sure you understand the commands and adapt the script to your specific case, for example the name of the database.
The result of the script execution is available below.

Finally, the result is the creation of the [Expert-Only] database with the default SQL Server options. It is now visible under the server / instance, here it is localhost. Then select Databases.

It is also possible to list display the detailed version of the current database with a simple query. To create a Microsoft SQL database with no script, use the SSMS graphic interface.
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